Becoming the First Amendment's #1 Fans

Find empowerment through the First Amendment here: (يرجى قراءة النسخة العربية)
  1. We leverage freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances (the First Amendment) to empower you
  2. We leverage creativity and inspiration to empower you
  3. We leverage presentations, talks, mp3s, and videos to empower you
  4. We leverage movies, DVDs, internet videos, and video games to empower you
  5. We leverage integrity, understanding, diligence, and maverickism to empower you
So you will join us in proclaiming:
"First Amendment,
We are your #1 fans!
We worship you
We adore you
We strive to keep you eternally famous!
We love you, Creator's blessing!"

Choose Free Press Media: The First Amendment's #1 Fans Book
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