Start a Free Press Media Press Inc. Inc. Club at Your Campus, Workplace, Lodge, or Other Entity

  1. Pat yourself on the back if you are considering starting a Free Press Media Press Inc. Club. By starting a Club, you are making a dream come true.
  2. Free Press Media Press Inc. Clubs create a safe space for diverse ideas. Free Press Media Press Inc. provides a soapbox for the world.
  3. Free Press Media Press Inc. Clubs have been organizing two types of main functions: general meetings and programs. General meetings meet at the same time and often at the same place. We make general meetings informal and spontaneous. General meetings have a topic of discussion, which can be most anything. The topic of discussion stimulates dialogue among participants. We also use general meetings to plan activities. We make programs more structured and formal. Programs vary in time and location. Programs can include lectures, presentations, conferences, skits, public forums, discussions, and games. The sky is the limit.
  4. Follow school or community rules and laws if possible. Many observers have suggested that bureaucracy perpetuates endless and often unnecessary rules; but follow these rules, because it would suck for a Club to end over minutia.
  5. Funding helps indeed, but do not allow lack of funding to hold you back. You can organize programs without money. The first Club organized tons of programs and events without any major funding.
  6. Each Club can emphasize whatever it sees fit. National will provide general structure, organization, and guidance. Each individual Club may interpret the following elements of our mission statement in its own way:
    • We leverage freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances (the First Amendment) to empower you
    • We leverage creativity and inspiration to empower you
    • We leverage presentations, talks, mp3s, and videos to empower you
    • We leverage movies, DVDs, internet videos, and video games to empower you
    • We leverage integrity, understanding, diligence, and maverickism to empower you
  7. Kindly distribute our literature. We also encourage you to create some literature of your own.
  8. Send a monthly report of the Club's activities to National.
  9. Strive to become the most ambitious organization in your area. We detest other groups' lack of productivity. We encourage you to organize as many programs as possible; don’t limit yourself. You can do much if a troublesome method of group organization (or disorganization) does not get in your way. We recommend avoiding a consensus model of decision making and other gridlock inducing decision making models. Above all, rarely tell members they can’t do something. Permit just about anything that does not directly conflict with our mission and philosophy.
  10. We recommend that each group have the following leadership positions if possible:
  11. Remember we want to organize tons of programs; traditional methods of group organization greatly inhibit this. Depending on your situation, you may have one person do more than one of these positions. Also if need arises, you may find creating additional positions helpful.
  12. Kindly read the book Free Press Media: The First Amendment's #1 Fans by Andrew Bushard and kindly get this book stocked everywhere (especially libraries).
  13. Promote the organization. We aim to expand this organization far and wide. Encourage others to establish Clubs anywhere and everywhere.
  14. Record the programs on audio and/or video. We also encourage you to post these programs on YouTube and elsewhere on the internet. You may also find it valuable to document activities such as keeping a list of Free Press Media Press Inc.'s Past Programs.
  15. Don't watch broadcast television or listen to mainstream radio during meetings or events. Such violates the organization's mission.
  16. If possible bring in an experienced Free Press Media Press Inc. leader to oversee the establishment of the Club.
  17. Exemplify resourcefulness and inventivenss when looking for speakers and program ideas. If you enjoy a topic or idea, you can create a program pertaining to it. If you lack ideas, peruse the list >Free Press Media Press Inc.'s Past Programs.
  18. Distribute literature from a wide variety of people, views, and groups.
  19. Remember to "Think outside the box."
  20. Feel free to contact National for any advice, counsel, or assistance you may need:
Choose Free Press Media: The First Amendment's #1 Fans Book
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